Monday, June 29, 2009
A Busy Schedule...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I might not want to leave Korea..
So far, Daejeon has been beyond anything I have expected. Everyday I am learning new things about the Korean culture and traditions and lifestyles of people in general. This city reminds me a lot of my home city in Ukraine: a majority of people live in high rise apartments like the one I used to live in and almost everything is located conveniently within walking distance. The Hannam University where we are staying has a beautiful campus with a lot of trees and a lake. Speaking of that lake, local people tell me that it is a tradition to toss people in the water on the birthday, which would sound like fun but the water is green and apparently really smelly. My birthday is in 1 week and I am staying as far away from that lake as possible. There is also an English Cafe on campus where Korean students go to Drink Tea and practice their english, since the cafe has an english only policy and is equipped with english boardgames, books, as well as english tv channels. That place can serve as our 'time out' from the Korean surroundings, but I doubt that we will ever get sick of Korea. A short walking distance from the dorms, you would find busy streets with tons of fun places like restaurants, bakeries, pool halls, A batting cage, bars, clubs, cafes, etc.... Tonight Josh and I had to fend for ourselves for once and find something to do, so we checked out a Waffle cafe where we ran into Dr. Kim, which failed our mission of independent exploration. But we managed to order some delicious cappuccino waffles on our own, which we pretty much inhaled since they were so so so good.
After that, we headed over to the Billiards lounge to play some pool. I think I managed to surprise both Josh and myself with my lucky shots! The streets in Daejeon are fully illuminated at night with signs and advertisements. The light displays are really bright and are always exciting to look at. Our curfew is 11 p.m. or 12 am if we are late, which is somewhat limiting, because if I could, I would stay out in those lights all night!
We also found some interesting things on the streets such as a Lobster game where you can try to catch a lobster out of a box with an automated claw...and a block over, we stopped by another stand where Josh bought game tickets to see if he could win a Bunny or other fun things.
Josh didn't end up winning anything, and Emily, Dr Kim's daughter had to be our translator everywhere we went. All we could do when surrounded by Korean speaking people was just mimic what they were saying and try to understand what the words/sounds meant. I don't think that people appreciate it that much, but they just laugh at us because we sound so silly. We are slowly starting to catch on to dialogues now, and hopefully we will leave Korea with some basic language skills. I have much more to blog about, and a lot of things to catch up on, but I 'll blog about one thing at a time. I hope you guys have enjoyed following our trip thus far! We sure have :) Catch you later.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
The way of the Korean
And the food is delicious. The city has a distinct funk to it, but other than that and the way people drive no complaints yet. But in all honesty I have been told the legal driving age in South Korea is 19 and it is illegal to talk or use the phone while driving; thus, their motor vehicle collision rates are much lower than ours. Our first class was just on the Korean language, most of which we learned before we left for Korea, so it was mostly a refresher. Tomorrow we take a bioethics class taught by our own professor Kim and then a cinema class, and I have no clue what movie we will be watching.
Today we also climbed a mountain to a famous Buddhist temple, one that is also a school for women monks. I will get back to you with all the names later! At the bottom of the mountain we ate at a local restaurant and although I could not find dog I ate a fried silk worm, which tasted a lot like a roasted peanut covered in dirt.
Obviously, there are quite a few differences between Korea and the Oklahoma, U.S.A. For one you cannot wear shoes inside rooms, restaurants or houses- there is a step up into the house where you put on house shoes, then there are special shoes for the bathroom which you step down into. This is because back in the day they used to sleep on the floor and the house was heated through warm vents that circulated under the house beneath the floor. So, in order to keep their "beds" clean and their feet warm they took off their shoes. A lot of the restaurants also do not have chairs and this is again because people sat on the warm floor.
Koreans cannot gamble in their own county, gambling is only for foreigners, a very smart idea if you ask me. Guns are not owned by private citizens, a very big difference. Teachers have special bamboo sticks that they use to whack their students with (on a regular basis from what I hear). They also have saunas and public baths here, which are extremely relaxing if not somewhat awkward.
I have met many new people and gained many new friends. This has been so fun and exciting that I really hope I get an opportunity to do this again, although maybe I should wait at least a full week before I make any final decisions. In the future and I hear that Hannam will be sending two students to RSU next year, so I am very exited for them as well as future RSU students who take this trip in the future. Until next time- Josh
Monday, June 22, 2009
Korea at last
I finally made it!!!
That was the longest and most uncomfortable airplane ride I have ever made in my life, but completely worth it. I have very, very much to say and not a whole lot of time but I will say what I can. As soon as I can find an outlet converter I will charge my computer and use it to download all of the pictures from the flight over. As I already mentioned, it was a very long flight. Due to crying babies and barking dogs I didn't get a whole lot of sleep in the 24 hours it took to get here, but its all good. Japan wasn't that interesting because I didn't get to leave the airport, but they did have green tea Kit-Kat chocolate which was pretty good. I noticed many people wearing masks on the ride over and as soon as we landed in Korea we had to get our temperature taken, all in precaution geared by the swine flu epidemic. Once in Seoul we took a 3 hour bus ride to Daejeon where we are staying at Hannam University. I met my roommates, all of which are very nice. Noah is originally from Maine, D (who's real name I can't pronounce) is from Serbia, a European country, and I have one other roommate who's origin or name I cannot remember, but he was nice as well. It is very safe here and I have been given 4 keys, one card key to get into the dorm floor, one to get into our room, one for my closet and another for my dresser. Although there is so much security it doesn't feel like it is really necessary because the only danger I have seen here so far is the way people drive, and believe me, that takes the cake on danger. I have never heard a city bus peel out before, but I think our bus driver last night used to be a NASCAR driver because he floored it at every light. There are many differences as well, one being the complicated color coding system for recycling. I cannot read the signs to figure what trash goes in what bin and I figured out the green one was compost the hard way. Also your shoes have to come off almost everywhere. We take themm off at the dorm room door and have special shower and bathroom shoes. The best thing I have noticed so far is that the food is cheap! I had a bulgogi burger and gatorade for breakfast and it cost me under two american dollars. Well it is almost 11 am here and 9 pm there, so I will sign off and go eat lunch. Feel free to respond via blog or email anytime, it will be nice to communicate to someone who speaks English.
Annyonghi Kaysayo! -Josh
That was the longest and most uncomfortable airplane ride I have ever made in my life, but completely worth it. I have very, very much to say and not a whole lot of time but I will say what I can. As soon as I can find an outlet converter I will charge my computer and use it to download all of the pictures from the flight over. As I already mentioned, it was a very long flight. Due to crying babies and barking dogs I didn't get a whole lot of sleep in the 24 hours it took to get here, but its all good. Japan wasn't that interesting because I didn't get to leave the airport, but they did have green tea Kit-Kat chocolate which was pretty good. I noticed many people wearing masks on the ride over and as soon as we landed in Korea we had to get our temperature taken, all in precaution geared by the swine flu epidemic. Once in Seoul we took a 3 hour bus ride to Daejeon where we are staying at Hannam University. I met my roommates, all of which are very nice. Noah is originally from Maine, D (who's real name I can't pronounce) is from Serbia, a European country, and I have one other roommate who's origin or name I cannot remember, but he was nice as well. It is very safe here and I have been given 4 keys, one card key to get into the dorm floor, one to get into our room, one for my closet and another for my dresser. Although there is so much security it doesn't feel like it is really necessary because the only danger I have seen here so far is the way people drive, and believe me, that takes the cake on danger. I have never heard a city bus peel out before, but I think our bus driver last night used to be a NASCAR driver because he floored it at every light. There are many differences as well, one being the complicated color coding system for recycling. I cannot read the signs to figure what trash goes in what bin and I figured out the green one was compost the hard way. Also your shoes have to come off almost everywhere. We take themm off at the dorm room door and have special shower and bathroom shoes. The best thing I have noticed so far is that the food is cheap! I had a bulgogi burger and gatorade for breakfast and it cost me under two american dollars. Well it is almost 11 am here and 9 pm there, so I will sign off and go eat lunch. Feel free to respond via blog or email anytime, it will be nice to communicate to someone who speaks English.
Annyonghi Kaysayo! -Josh
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Guk anyone?
Leaving the home front....
안녕 (An nyoung, AKA Hello)! Thank you for your responses! I want to give a special shout out to all my friends in PLC, Honors, all other RSU students, professors, and my co-workers. When I get back we all need to hang out again and play Ultimate Frisbee! Or Halo! I am jealous that you get to eat authentic Italian food every day Lunk but at least I will lose weight in this particular country. If I were to go to Italy I believe I would return with a lot of extra luggage, and I don't mean the kind that goes in a bag! I can't believe I am leaving this Sunday. This will be my last chance to blog in the U.S. because I will be going on a float trip the 19th and on a river until the night before I head to Korea. If everything goes as planned I will be taking pictures of the trip there and when I arrive I will download them all for your viewing enjoyment. We will first be flying to Chicago, then Japan, and then Korea. There is a lot of concern for our safety while we are studying abroad due the the current situation with North Korea, but I have been assured South Korea is completely safe and that North Korea has been doing this kind of thing for years and nothing has changed yet. If things do get ugly I believe Professor Kim is a master of some secret form of martial arts, so in the rare event of a nuclear attack he can just round-house kick the missile back to where it came from. No sweat. Well, I better get packing, I will keep in touch every step of the way where I can find Internet. And if all of my wonderful comp professors could please make sure I blog with mostly proper grammar and spelling that would be great (this particular blog site doesn't have a very good spell check)! Also email me your address @ if you would like a post card. 안녕히계세요 (annyeonghi gyeseyo) Bye!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
and the Next Contestant is....
Hello RSU! My name is Nadia Kyrylova, and I originate in Kharkiv, Ukraine. My family moved to Vancouver, Canada in 1999 in search of greater opportunities in life and I can happily say it was a very smart decision. I have been blessed with so many opportunities; while living in North America and the upcoming trip to South Korea is definitely the greatest one thus far. I am majoring in Environmental Conservation but I have a great interest in engineering as well as Fine Arts. It was so hard to settle down with one specific major when there are so many things I wish to study, however science won me over in my second year at RSU. I also work at the RSU Public Television, which has been a quite rewarding experience and has made me a part of the college. Studying abroad has always been something I wanted to do, so when my father suggested going to South Korea to study Bioethics with Dr. Kim it was the perfect chance to broaden my cultural scope.

Like Josh has already mentioned, we have had some intense Korean lessons with Dr. Kim who made us memorize a sweet korean love song and then sing it out loud to him. That man has some good sense of humor; I'm sure that he got a good laugh out of listening to us butcher his beautiful native language. I really can't wait to practice korean on the streets of Daejeon while trying to hunt down some rare Dog Soup. To educate us on Korean popular cuisine Dr. Kim has taken Josh and I to a Korean restaurant where we were faced with a lot of spicy dishes consisting of Kimchi, various forms of beef and pork, a lot of vegetables and of course tofu. To me it was a good preview of what to look forward to in Korea, but depending on our budgets, we might just have to stick to a 'college' diet of Ramen Noodles.
On a more serious note, the course sounds very intriguing and diverse covering a wide range of topics from molecular to environmental. We will be visiting a power-plant and learning about the different energy resources employed in South Korea as well as visiting a recent oil spill and studying the impact that it had on the surroundings. These trips will be really beneficial to my general studies and other than that, what I want to learn about in South Korea is what type of recycling and sustainability programs are implemented to reduce waste. According to National Geographic South Korea is ranked 4th on the Greendex (Green Index), far greater than United States rankings. I wish to return to RSU and take part in the recycling initiative in Fall '09 that is being pushed by the Student Government Association. I definitely have some great aspirations for making a global impact, but concentrating on the local problems is a great start and is much needed in cities all over the midwest. By now, there must me many students at RSU anxious about "Going GREEN", so I invite you to become a part of the movement towards making RSU a Green Campus!
Speaking of Green, Deajeon looks like a very beautiful city surrounded by many green hills that we will hopefully get to hike on our time off. The urban areas are industrially beautiful as well and during the night the whole city lights up. From the pictures I have seen and this things I have learned about South Korea and its people thus far, I can tell this will be a truly enriching experience both culturally and scientifically. :)
Josh and I will keep you posted as we take off to Southeast Asia.
'til next post, 안녕히가세요 (annyeonghi gaseyo).
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