Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Addition to class discussion.

As Josh touched on the topics discussed in our class, I figured I would post a few pictures that I took in class. The class has been very beneficial in helping us distinguish the differences between US and Korea beyond the obvious cultural contrast. For instance, when talking about the proper usage of food and the limited food resources, we noticed that in Korea, land is used much more efficiently for farming purposes rather that lawn culturing. In the states, land is abundant, so the wealthier a person is, the more land they occupy and the larger house they possess. In Korea, however, we see nothing but rice fields as well are vegetable gardens all around; And when it comes to wealth, people with a lot of money tend to think vertically rather than horizontally, by buying expensive apartments in high rises. Korea is pretty much independent in its food supply except for a small portion of rice that is grown in California!.. pretty cool.
Anyway here are a couple pictures of our class!

Here is Dr. Kim explaining cell cloning using the sheep Dolly as an example.
There are also a lot of questions that every student answers in class related to each topic and the Korean students are somewhat reluctant because they are not used to Discussion classes.
Our class is not too big, but we seem to gain and lose people every day. So far, I am really enjoying it because there are so many bioethical topics I have opinions about and at the same time I am curious to learn the Korean perspective in every case.

Today we continued last lecture's Environmental topics such as the Green house gas effect and we broke that down into specific atmospheric gasses, focusing on the increase of Carbon dioxide emissions. Then, the touched on Global Warming and its causes and effects, followed by the Kyoto Protocol. KP is an international environmental treaty initiated in 1997, which our last president did not participate in. We then moved onto Human Population, Food Distribution, Soil Sustainability, Urban Planning and Changes in Bio-diversity.

We won't have another class till friday, which will be our final most important discussion, which means that we have to start busting out some research skills to write our research paper for the class. I will share more info about this later, for now that is all!

"enjoy korea"

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